Hello all......It’s been ages that I’ve jotted down something and I’m so sorry for the uncalled for break in my writing routine....The writer in me was sleeping for some reason and it was hard to find the driving force that propelled me to write .....I’m back though to trouble you with my troubled thoughts and not so troubled life’s trivia...
This is just a small incident that happened when I was on my building’s terrace – the place I love the most at this given moment. It faces an open land with only trees and no construction and I’ve this place where I sit for hours....on the steps that lead to the engineered (new word in my lexicon..) portion of the water tank. This throne faces the jittering cityscape and you actually feel like you’re ruling the city.I generally sit there with a bottle of chilled water, a few papers and coloured pens, my iPod and my cell. All this to create the mood and prove to myself that I’ve a philosopher streak in me as I always think way too much than necessary...As I started listening to those fixed 7-8 songs out of the thousands on my iPod, I wondered about the movie I’d just seen a few minutes before...The Illusionist(I loved it!). It was about illusions and illusions and more illusions...Anyhow, coming to my story – as it would happen in Hindi movies.......it was around 6.00pm and there came a windy storm and it started raining cats and dogs! Wow.....it was the “Pehli Baarish”....when your heart is expected to go Hmmmmmmmmm...................
The wind current was so strong that I felt like I should go dancing with my arms wide open. It was the perfect scene – heavy rains, kids playing footy in ‘keechad’(wet earth) and me alone there. Anyway, I had to get back home..Mom calling out and all that...You know it people!
Anyhow, I made some popcorn and sat by the windowsill to enjoy the beautiful scene....Let just my pictures speak this time....I love rains!

My Balcony!
Crowd collecting!
Garden Beauty...!