Wednesday, 11 June 2008

Turn your scars into stars

A baby falls, that’s when he learns walking
An orator fumbles, that’s when he learns talking
A lover was left alone, that’s when he understood what’s life
Turning scars into stars is what’s called the ultimate strive!

Life unfurls its beauty at different pedestals and we too have to see the ugliest moments sometimes. Positive thinking, self-motivation and inner peace are a few of the terms that are hovering on our society these days but have we really tried to analyze them with a microscope? Certainly, we haven’t. The ‘sulk mode’ is prevalent in all age groups and none seem to find any solace.

What’s happening?

A man can scar his life with a maybe a bruise, a betrayal, a failure or maybe even abandonment! Just when a butterfly loses its wing, it still tries to flutter the other and move around….that’s what we call LIFE! Should just a moment, an incident or a period of trauma affect your complete life? Not quite! Why are the meditation courses, Yoga classes and stress busters touching newer heights of success? That is solely because they tend to teach you to go easy on life and accept it with all its goodies and follies!

What does one do?

Just sit with a coffee mug and get into the flashback mood and that is when one will realize how the good times always followed the bad ones. If you are a true being at heart, it is impossible that your life is going to be filled with only drudgery as there’s always a bright morning that is going to follow the night! Self-introspection is a must and one should realize that acting waywardly in a crisis situation is just going to intensify the effect and not reduce it! Try taking to practices that make you feel happy and maybe develop a hobby that might calm you down every time you are hurt. Try being the one who analyzes things and intelligently makes a decision as then one would feel like a winner at the end of one’s own war-the war of life!

Hrithik used his extra finger to make statement instead of fretting about it; Vietnam people still seem to enjoy a laugh on the Land of Death that is overloaded with mines and soldiers still fight in Paralympics to win laurels for one’s own country! Try finding a solution rather than just worrying about the causes and symptoms. ‘Never-say-die-attitude’, ‘try, try and try’ and the ‘fighter spirit’ needs to be your motto and you will undisputedly win in life’s RACE!

Go ahead, see the bright, feel the good and the world shall be yours!
(Written for Abhishek Tomar's ICSE Project)


Unknown said...

Just sit with a coffee mug and get into the flashback mood and that is when one will realize how the good times always followed the bad ones..
does it have to be tht way? am not a pessimist.. but ww2 followed ww1.. iraq followed afghanisthan.. Radzzy, i think man has it all wrong!
bad things happen to make us realise tht life isnt a bed of roses. If we do, wat follows is always better.. If we dont want to see,it gets worse till we do.
Then it becomes better because we see the little good in the huge evil

Radz said...

Awesome observation....but have you seen people stand upto Humanity after that....i'm sorry we dont have a living Hitler today nor quite an Alexander who can dream of winning the world,,,,Bad things happen to make you realise the importance of good.................I aint advocating that you close your eyes to the bad, try opening up to good solutions that may just nullify the bad...............

Sangita said...

No wonder you are such a positive person. Of course, good and bad, both are the sides of the same coin that is life and good will always be there wherever bad exists.