Monday, 15 December 2008

Wish I could donate eyes to Love!

Like ‘andha kanoon(blind law)’, love also seems to have no eyes, as THEY say it! Dark, fair, ugly, fat, blemished etc etc etc – all becomes null and void when once love is born right? ‘Rising in love’ is the new mantra but after a few funny instances in my life, I’ve realized that it’s not the rise or fall, it’s the love graph and its intricacies that matter! You go beyond everything to keep your sweetheart smiling, you offer him/her the much needed space, you create time to be with the other person, you stretch the night to finish your last bit of balance and god knows sacrifice what all under the “LOVE” tag!

Trust and fidelity are automatic add-ons. Your legal confines of social interaction are narrowed even more than you feel they already are. Let’s suddenly not plunge to the highest state of moral peace in Maslow’s hierarchical model, but let’s stick to certain simplistic things, some tangible crux points that you tend to overlook…rather become blind towards!

1. Nice fellow with an extra-nice bike! –Look, it’s not the power that matters, it’s the heart that drives the bike of life!
2. Slender damsel with ultra-straight hair – You know what, models look nice only on ramps, not in real lives.
3. A well-built man – My man knows how to cook you see!
4. Gang of hot girls – These women of today are so uncultured. Must be sitting in the beauty parlour for hours together back-biting about their partners.

These were may be just a few I could remember at this odd hour. Love tends to teach you the art of being blind so well! I am not saying that it doesn’t remain beautiful and pure anymore, it’s just about the senseless material desensitizing it does!

Concluding remarks:

See and love, feel and love, express and love……Love thy love……Love “love” with love, for love and by love!

Wednesday, 3 December 2008

I love the way I love me....

It’s right from the heart of a self-centric egoistic maniac….

‘Main meri favourite hoon’ – This ‘Jab We Met’ dialogue was made just for Radz I feel! Loving yourself is so much more important than anything else in this world. Even if you do any wrong, you are always going to be with yourself, same goes for the rest of the situations also!

Loving oneself for all the follies and all the plusses that exist in you is I think the highest pinnacle one can ever reach! The world will always change, for good or worse, but you don’t stop being yourself any moment. Even if you put on this haughty attitude, somewhere deep down, you are always yourself…

Why am I so complete in myself and still assuming incompleteness?

God ….These paradoxical questions I think will always persist in my life! Rewarding myself for the good and pushing a little more have always remained to be dominant traits. I want to do everything bearing the responsibility alone as I feel self-sufficient to do a particular task given to me. On the other hand, after even doing it pretty well(not blowing my own trumpet…just out of remarks), I feel – “Oh someone and I would’ve put up something better”- (Someones change with situations – HA HA). If I don’t talk to at least 10-20 people in a day in elaborate details, I can’t sleep!

When it comes to the world outside me, I am alone! When it comes to the world within me, I cannot disconnect from so many people who have been in my life and made the biggest of differences to me…Is everyone in the world like this? Some I’ve seen move on so easily – Do they just eat up their emotions, or do they just don’t experience any of them? What if I’d been Will Smith in The Legend (I’d have fish instead of that dog-Ha ha)! Uffffff……. I wouldn’t have been, because I’m meant to be Ms. Congeniality you see..!

Victory Speech

Anyway I love myself for what I am, love myself for the things I’ve done for myself, love the people I’ve earned for myself, love my smile, love my blog, love my one photo after a thousands clicked, love the way I love myself…

Muah Me!


Wednesday, 26 November 2008

My dreamy delight - NDA Ball

I wish….I wish….I wish…….I kept saying this from the very time I was invited for the NDA Ball the very first time……For some reason, this one thing was jinxed for me! Due to some or the other problem, I could not make it! Oh boy! NDA Ball and the chivalrous treatment was one dream I had since Class 11th! The reference sources maybe couldn’t ever understand my desperation to be a part of this grand celebration (not for the fellow in uniform, but for the complete mesmerizing armed forces environment) …

Process Recording

After I’ve explained my earnest desire, I think I should move on! The time was here and now….Autumn 2008 NDA batch is passing out on the November 29th and finally I got a ‘bakra- Dearest Desai!’ who could surely work some wonders to find me a date for the evening. I wanted a tall guy (another filter) apart from him being an extra-chivalrous fellow. The mediator could just understand me so well and asked this one cadet to contact me. I was sure to get a call and I did! He spoke in this ‘ma’am’ type tone and I was floored even without him asking me out for the ball! I could see my dream materializing in front of my eyes! Whoa…

We were supposed to meet and get the passes from the cadet, but that never quite happened. I then got a call on the very same day of the ball and was asked to board the NDA bus at 3.30pm. The call was executed at 1.45pm. I’d to hit my friends’ place and we were expected to get ready there. The complete drama in the half-an-hour we were at her place is another long story to explain.

Girls’ Changing Room!

The both of us get ready, get into the bus and get to NDA. The girlie changing room as usual annoyed me to the core…. “Hey bitch, let me have that mascara”, “Excuse me everyone, does anybody have a safety pin?”, “Girls can anybody do up the hooks of my blouse”….Oh God! So much of a monkey business! The hot bods then ruled the ramp and struggled with their pea-brains to get some great answers…BOO!

Ball the Ball…as in Roll the Ball!

The time was here and we were expecting our partners to come take us….Unfortunately, nothing like this happened. I spoke to my partner almost 5 times on the phone, but all seemed in vain! Finally, we found them…..I found him…and the happy story continues!

My fellow for the NDA Ball….Cadet Anup Gadkari, India Sqd!

Okay…..Lets get to this quickly! The guy was really cute, quite tall, pretty much well-versed about fundas of life and very courteous. Poor soul must’ve been bombarded with so many things about this special night, but he came across to be a normal individual who could keep me engrossed in our talk. We danced for about an hour and then sat talking. Talking never ends for me and I somehow made the self-assumed recluse also open up about many things! That uncomfortable exchange of compliments was like the cherry on the cake. The two of us got along pretty well and the night was spent in a nice manner! God bless him……He’s off in the air to fly…..!

I do not wish to visit the NDA Ball again and spoil its charm. My dream would remain equally dreamy even when I hit the grave!

With all those details and many more emotions to put in, I close the post here! Some fantasies and experiences should just be left to be relished by me, myself..!

Tuesday, 25 November 2008

I'll never have a heart big enough to care- I feel...

11.15 AM…21st November, 2008....At Sassoon Hospital – SOFOSH

Sofosh is the counselling centre of Sassoon Hospital. The full form stands to be Society of Friends of the Sassoon Hospitals! This centre offers a lot of patient welfare service in the premises of Sassoon Hospital.

Without any more boring stuff, let me get down to the crux! Shreevatsa is the adoption and child care centre of Sofosh where children between 0days – 6 years find shelter away from their biological parents. These can be children who’re rescued by police, abandoned children, children of unwed mothers etc. The thought of world being brutal is natural to strike when you see these children playing as normally as the kids of Tatas and Ambanis with the broken toys that have been donated by many of the socially aware individuals.

The field trip was nice and short. There was a lady who was clued up totally about what she was talking and briefed us about the organization in great detail. I was feeling all empowered to pursue the Women and Development course and was happy that we were getting a chance to do all these things and expand our knowledge bank.

The moment of pride filled my heart completely and I was feeling like this winner from some pageant! Then suddenly came the disastrous shock, as if the judge said that you’re second not first in the pageant! We were taken to the room where the children aged between 0days to 3months were kept. Their beds were joined and they had cage-like separators with name plates in front mentioning their name, DOB and other information. All the children were wide awake in their beds and smiling away to God’s glory as if nothing in the world can stop them from being happy. Earth split under my feet as it just flashed, that these are the babies without their mothers, without the feed, without a family and with a put on identity. GOSH! I would have burst out in tears seeing their smiles and sparkling eyes –all telling me that – “Radz, be strong, we all are happy and enjoying!”

All breath choked, I moved out immediately to get some fresh air. I was speechless for the next three odd hours with just that room flashing in front of my eyes again and again….One experience that would never erase from my mind….

I close the post with tears and this anti-Radz type post is just directly from the deepest inside of my heart….

Saturday, 15 November 2008

Bribe Me with chocolates…Ummmm….

I Proclaim to the World Today:

“Buy me chocolates, and you’ll never be let down….Wink…”

Neither do I lick chocolate ice-cream like a wannabe, nor do I finish a complete bar in one go! ‘Chocolates and toffees’ are something that you will always find in one of my pockets of baggage that I carry (reasons known later in the post)! I’ve always dreamt of eating chocolate, drinking chocolate….of being a chocolate myself actually! Maybe it runs in the blood, but a sweet tooth can cost you a lot! Trust Me!

Chocolates as they say are high in calorific value, should be consumed only in limits! Anyhow, when Toblerone stands tall when out of its packet and when you can see the golden/silver kisses lying right in front of your eyes, its way too difficult to resist! I keep wondering how the manufacturers come up with names that equally tempt you! The packaging is so darn attractive that when you enter a store and see the glittery corner, you just can’t keep your hands off the racks!

My philo corner…

I believe that chocolate and its taste mechanism can be compared to life! Chocolates are the happy times and should be carried along with you wherever you go! Another fact that I feel is important to consider is that chocolate should be eaten only in small bits as too much happiness can make you ignorant of the same! A chocolate can teach you just so many things like being intriguing, being dark yet sweet etc etc…..Period for now! I can go on with this for another 100 pages!

Radz – Choco connections…

Impressing people whom I meet for the very first time is a sincere endeavour of mine always. You won’t believe, offering a toffee after the first uncomfortable ‘HI’ sets the ground forever. I’ve tried this trick with many toddlers, grannies and even tweens and it works in a superb manner!

Chocolates have always filled up the empty spaces that I somehow could not fill with people! The lingering taste can keep me going for hours together. A kick, a punch, a high – I get all of those from chocolates! Even if your iPod battery runs out, mobile doesn’t catch network, a chocolate would always stand by.

I wish Mr. Cadbury was alive so that I’d have tried my luck once atleast!

I claim that humankind will be in shambles the day Radz stops liking chocolates! I’d love to be a “Chocolate Witch” in my next birth – Be cruel and steal the chocolates from everyone…You’ve got sadistic thoughts somewhere deep down inside, you see! Ha ha!

As air, water and light is to mankind, Chocolates are to ‘Radz’kind!


Thursday, 13 November 2008

Leave me alone....NO NO NEVER!

Someone told me in the strictest manner after a long fight we had – “LEAVE ME ALONE!" I just wish to draft a reply here…

However reclusive one is, doesn’t one like to be cared for? When I heard this phrase time and again at bus-stops, in cafés and on the streets, I realized that it is one sort of a jargon that is commonly used without even an iota of thinking. A rock solid fight and at the pinnacle of my wrath, I tend to say ‘get lost’! Anyhow, I take no time to say a regretful ‘SORRY’ which 99.99% times, I seriously mean! Time lapse – 10 seconds maximum!

There are many though who want to be left alone for long and real long hours! Enjoying one’s own company is the best thing in life, I truly agree, but what’s with the common usage of “LEAVE ME ALONE – L.M.A.” After being at loggerheads with a near and dear one, don’t you need more support? A lot of calm is derived from within, but so much more can be drawn if someone is there beside you to spruce your ruined mood! A word of conviction or a touch of someone who’ll be there – doesn’t it give you a different punch altogether?

If it is all about being alone - tell your thoughts to leave, plea to the tears to stay away and try being totally away from life! Tell life - “Dear Life, LMA”…..

Let me see how sustenance in this blind world of nothing flourishes…When you can’t leave life behind, why leave the people who are its very building blocks?

Just give it a thought folks…After all this LMA moral lecture(ML), I am off my chair that too LMAO(Laughin’ my ass off)…..Take Care!

Wednesday, 5 November 2008

Read the bold - Radz'z Palm Speaks...

Hi Radhika, yours is an alert hand type. You have a magical charisma about you. As a speaker, you can move your audience. Your aura has a soothing influence, relaxing those who interact with you. You are a die-hard perfectionist - anything short of perfection can ruin your balance. But you are an extremely 'feeling' person and reach out intuitively to others. Your index finger is short. This makes you a dependable team player. A position of command is justfor you. But you do have a keen eye for detail.

You can be impulsive; not all your moves are quite rational. Look out! Stress could get the better of you. Your index finger being longer than your ring finger points to you being realistic but aggressive at the same time. Yet, you are not able to stand your ground at times. Your sense of judgement is finely balanced. Your middle finger being longer than the adjoining fingers in length signifies an even view towards life.

You are extremely organised; seldom ever do you 'come apart' in any situation. You seem to have all stages of your life worked out to the last detail, and possess an unbiased and sagacious personality. You evaluate and analyse all your actions towards achieving your goals in life and get there through sheer dedication and will power. The top of your ring finger is in level with the base of the fingernail of your middle finger. You are a sweet talker and can seduce most people and bend them to your will. Your little finger is set evenly at the base with the middle finger. The scrupulousness in your personality is your finest asset. It leads you to take rational decisions.

Since your little finger is even with the first flexure line (joint) of your ring finger, you are a blunt and outspoken person. You are extremely forthright in your views and nothing discourages you from speaking the truth, unpalatable as it may be. yours is an alert hand type. You have a magical charisma about you. As a speaker, you can move your audience. Your aura has a soothing influence, relaxing those who interact with you. You are a die-hard perfectionist - anything short of perfection can ruin your balance. But you are an extremely 'feeling' person and reach out intuitively to others. You have a long life and will live to up to about 70.

You are a wanderer. You cannot be emotionally tied down to one place. Familiar surroundings have no meaning in your life as you can adapt to all places with ease. Your headline is totally in contact with your lifeline. Your headline ends in a fork. You contemplate deeply before executing plans. This trait is usually inherent in lawyers and authors. Your headline is medium straight. You are a highly rational individual. You are thought oriented and never act before thinking it through. You are a highly energetic person who emotes with physical touch. Your personality is marked by a strong sensual presence. You demonstrate your feelings freely - be these feelings of affection or otherwise. Your fate line is centered. This indicates that you are a perceptive individual. You tread carefully in life owing to past negative experiences

Wake Up call for the Young entrepreneurs

“The young do not know enough to be prudent, and therefore they attempt the impossible, and achieve it, generation after generation!” Mr. Pearl S. Buck has left us to ponder over this marvelous thought but unfortunately the recent readings tell us that the latter half of this statement is not quite true.

Personally, I really don’t know what to comment. I always felt that the untapped potential that was endowed to humanity in form of youth was unsurpassable. They had the zeal, the brains and the street smartness to get down in the market and set excellent global standards. Just when all these thoughts came to me over a cup of coffee, I read this article in Business Report that seriously questioned the absence of innovation in the youngsters. People have conducted surveys to actually prove that the youth is not as informed and educated as the previous generation and hence, creativity and innovative ideas are dying out at an astonishing rate.

Anyhow, that was that! I still couldn’t come terms with this fact and I sat pondering over the same. Thinking about my close friends who’ve established businesses like production industries, CA firms and hardware solutions – even after years of struggle are still around the point they started! We hear the “Think-out-of-the-box” idiom time and again, but where’s the new element disappeared??? This is when the bells rang and I understood that only a good USP and potential investment are not the pillars of success anymore. The people who’ve carved their niche in the market came with an idea that struck no one else but them and they just materialized it!

An unconventional business idea is all that one needs to shoot to fame in no time. An idea that is supported by intelligent leadership traits can be called the success mantra in the corporate world. Corporate complacency doesn’t come with profits, but a hallmark success story that can be sung like that of a national hero does. Generic businesses are out and a mind-blowing creative idea is the “in thing”. We may feel that small ideas are dumb and leave them aside, but it is these very weird ideas that actually become a super hit in the market.

Abhinav Bindra who is an ace shooter has his dad behind him who’s really just hit it right at the right time. Dr. Bindra who started as a food-processing entrepreneur succeeded beyond everyone’s expectations and his curries and other foods are famous internationally. He’s even stepped into the world of providing vermicompost and has fulfilled his duty as an environmentally aware citizen and has made tremendous profits through the same.

I’ve understood one thing from the complete research that conventionality is out and creative ideas that may surprise everyone are here to stay. Where’s our youth heading and are they listening to me? Take the path not taken and stay away from the path that has already been booked…

Finishing with my coffee, now I feel maybe even I should put on my thinking cap and come up with something that “you” out there in the market have never even imagined…Wait and watch!

(Just for the books)

Wednesday, 23 July 2008

My first recording experience

July 22, 2008, 10.30 AM, Doordarshan Kendra……….was the time and place I had to be at for my first ever recording session! One of my colleagues had a supposed fall and virtual tooth break and hence, I had to substitute her. My debates, elocutions, speeches and public announcements done time and again made me believe that speaking is no problem for me! I had this script that I managed to get just a day before and had to learn it by rote!

Got up at 6:00 AM in the morning, got dressed in a Saree with a hundred pins put on, did slight make-up and moved on in a rickshaw. I was dropped at the main office by a colleague and let us leave the story of being a pillion with both legs on one side and the bike sans saree guard! Giggles……..I reached at 10.25 AM sharp and the complete place was empty with just the two of us hanging around. Then came a group of musicians and the singer whom I was supposed to introduce on national TV. They were established and undisputedly looked confident! Just as they listened to me once, they had a list of changes and I had to make my speech much more boastful than it already was! I had to include weird names which apparently till the end I couldn’t memorize.

The wait was never ending…..

The friend who’d dropped me had to leave for an exam in his college and I frivolously started calling the rest if they could just come and accompany me. A dear friend was kind enough to agree and reached the place at 1:00 PM. There was no sign of us changing the drape or going inside the studio. Then I met this sweet lady who was going to give the singer’s introduction in Hindi. She was quite encouraging and affirmed the same old sentence – “there’s always a first time” (BULLSHIT)! It was around 1.30 PM that the tension really started gripping and just because I wasn’t too well-prepared, I had these jitters from within almost after my 10 boards. Since then, had forgotten what tension actually meant!

Anyway, I was called in the editing room to see how the shooting takes place! Oh man….They had these 20 televisions flashing the darn same thing and I started going crazy in my tummy. All people were old, drowsy, experienced and I seemed to be the only fool who was struggling in a saree. The two sessions of the singer’s performance got over and then was the lunch break. I had no nerve to gulp down a single morsel, still asked my friend to get a pack of Lays and he was just so nice to be there all the while! I went in for make-up and was asked to wear on my change.

Make up Messy!

The make-up – O H M Y G O D!

She’d turned me into something that I had never seen myself as!….She must’ve put on I think around hundred coats of foundation and after the base, she supposedly made my face look thinner by painting it from here and there in the right proportions. Oh god! I was too young to open my mouth and just kept shut and got it all done! It was after three lipsticks changed that I was let out of the room. Finally I did….my skin choked with make-up!

Practice & Finale!

I had to practice and the people there asked me to directly enter the recording hall and practice. Some dirty artificial flowers were kept to my side and I started….NAMASKAR….

Radhika was able to manage everything else but the names. I fumbled so many times during practice, but man the morons were way too supportive and encouraging! They told me that I am really doing well for the first time. Finally, they flashed the lights and after that entire ‘camera rolling’, ‘action’ comments etc., it STARTED!

Oh god! I was supposed to maintain this smile on my face for the first time in my life which I think was forced. With such huge machines in front of me, I had really lost track of what was happening. What I was saying wasn’t even falling on my ears! Those lights, huge cameras and a TV in front of me where I could see myself and a few people were all that I could see. I spoke and made a mistake! Never mind they said and I again started! Again I made a mistake with some of the names and went on. I was tensed for what reason I don’t know, but I was! Maybe I couldn’t manage the complete speech in one go, but the people were co-operative enough to give me the freedom to record in two takes broken in between!

I managed to complete it and felt like this big star who had achieved something out of this world! After coming back to office, people were excited to see me in a saree and the day ended on an okay and tired note! That was me and my first recording experience at Doordarshan…

Catch me on National TV (DD1) on August 16, 2008, 8:30 AM onwards!

P.S.: Special thanks to Manalee Danait (the tooth broken female), Himanshu (the guy without the saree guard on his bike), Ashish (the person who stayed on with me at that ultra-boring place till 6:00 PM and was the ultimate support), team at Doordarshan, My parents who made me feel like a princess, my relatives who boosted my confidence the night before and most of all GOD (for being the luck with me)!

Friday, 13 June 2008

Front Bench Harbinger

The cuckoo sings enraptured,
By the beauty of the dawn;
Heralding of me being,
A front bench pawn.

It’s not as bad a place,
As people assert it to be;
There too is a happening life,
For a front bencher like me.

Right under their noses,
Bearing our teachers’ brunt;
And that too let me affirm,
Without a single grunt!

The duster when slammed,
My heart skips a beat;
But there is no heaven other than front bench,
To kill the season’s heat.

The chalk snows beautifully,
As if sitting in the Arctic;
Observance is at its best,
From the teacher’s toe to her lipstick.

The silent whispers of air
Make me feel great;
The door on my side,
Unintermittently throws its bait.

The mumble- fumble of the teachers,
Is all listened to;
We are the ones with that stuck smile,
To make general happiness brew.

Teacher’s pets, scholiast, whatever you call us,
The hustle-bustle on the front bench,
Is in itself an enjoyable fuss.

To construe the situation,
I love each bit of it;
I am the lucky one,
To bag the one and only Hot Seat.
Written as a Class Activity (Army School, Kirkee)

Thursday, 12 June 2008

Reincarnation to me…

A little Sweet;
A little sour,
A little close;
Not too far!
All I need,
All I Need,
All I Need…………………………………………. “IS TO BE FREE”!

Can we hear Ishaan from Taare Zameen Par still humming this? There is an Ishaan in all of us! Isn’t it so? I write this article while listening to numbers that soulfully remind me of all the great moments of my life. A life that my parents gifted me with; a mysterious treasure hunt that will lead to the purpose of my living!

My heart skips a beat when I see poverty, drudgery around and even when I ponder over the bad moments that have gone by in my life. Anyhow, now I feel overpowered and great that I’m out of them and leading a happy life. Life’s been always treating me with the best of things possible and I really feel treasured!

‘Past, Present & Future’ are just three terms that describe the most important term-‘Journey’-“The ultimate journey of life” (I told you all, I am being accompanied by songs- Can you hear them playing?) Jokes apart! In a serious vein, who’s actually known what life is? Is it a romantic period poet, a small three-year old who’s been raped or the normal man who’s trying to fit the requisite needs of living into his monthly budget? Life’s so subjective…So very subjective!

My room faces this open grassland and many a times, I just sit wondering that every person is a world within one’s own self! The life that seems so beautiful after seeing a new born seems equally ugly when a twelfth standard student commits suicide due to his IIT miss! Life’s a long journey of hits and misses and we are endowed with only short time frames to prove our wits.

A person, who can really juggle the goodies and baddies of life, has in true sense tasted the meaning of reincarnation and I’m still climbing the Mount Everest! I know there must be questions pounding in your mind to debate on a few points mentioned above, but let’s just agree to disagree as this is …… Reincarnation to me!

Wednesday, 11 June 2008

Turn your scars into stars

A baby falls, that’s when he learns walking
An orator fumbles, that’s when he learns talking
A lover was left alone, that’s when he understood what’s life
Turning scars into stars is what’s called the ultimate strive!

Life unfurls its beauty at different pedestals and we too have to see the ugliest moments sometimes. Positive thinking, self-motivation and inner peace are a few of the terms that are hovering on our society these days but have we really tried to analyze them with a microscope? Certainly, we haven’t. The ‘sulk mode’ is prevalent in all age groups and none seem to find any solace.

What’s happening?

A man can scar his life with a maybe a bruise, a betrayal, a failure or maybe even abandonment! Just when a butterfly loses its wing, it still tries to flutter the other and move around….that’s what we call LIFE! Should just a moment, an incident or a period of trauma affect your complete life? Not quite! Why are the meditation courses, Yoga classes and stress busters touching newer heights of success? That is solely because they tend to teach you to go easy on life and accept it with all its goodies and follies!

What does one do?

Just sit with a coffee mug and get into the flashback mood and that is when one will realize how the good times always followed the bad ones. If you are a true being at heart, it is impossible that your life is going to be filled with only drudgery as there’s always a bright morning that is going to follow the night! Self-introspection is a must and one should realize that acting waywardly in a crisis situation is just going to intensify the effect and not reduce it! Try taking to practices that make you feel happy and maybe develop a hobby that might calm you down every time you are hurt. Try being the one who analyzes things and intelligently makes a decision as then one would feel like a winner at the end of one’s own war-the war of life!

Hrithik used his extra finger to make statement instead of fretting about it; Vietnam people still seem to enjoy a laugh on the Land of Death that is overloaded with mines and soldiers still fight in Paralympics to win laurels for one’s own country! Try finding a solution rather than just worrying about the causes and symptoms. ‘Never-say-die-attitude’, ‘try, try and try’ and the ‘fighter spirit’ needs to be your motto and you will undisputedly win in life’s RACE!

Go ahead, see the bright, feel the good and the world shall be yours!
(Written for Abhishek Tomar's ICSE Project)

Monday, 19 May 2008

I always dreamt…

Of a man who could protect me from the devil’s wrath…
Of a man who would call me ma’am once in a while…
One who would be picture perfect with his Ray Ban on…
A man who would salute me…

A man in the OLIVE GREENS…

Yes…Army has fascinated and been the most integral part of me from the very time I was born to an Army dad and a mother who was just the perfect Army wife. The charisma of the protected environs really makes me go weak in my knees and let’s just keep aside those smart caps, exercising shorts and straight noses that spell smartness. They are normal men - flirts, party flickers, bird watchers, but the only thing that sets them apart from the rest is the polished man that stands tall in the uniform.

Oh god…..should I stop dreaming?

Their shoulders are tightly held back highlighting their tamed physique that withholds a heart, that is ready to do anything at the beckoning call of their motherland. Just the apt amount of ego and that perfect attitude to live up to the spirit of perfection is what they call an Army man. Their style is their own and no one imbibes it in them.

Don’t they ask while recruiting - DO YOU HAVE IT IN YOU?

Oh god…..should I stop dreaming?

My teacher while explaining these lover and soldier poems narrates the complete scene excellently. Just that I sit wondering about my man in the OG who will jump the mountains, fight the bad men and wrap me in his embrace and take me to a land that is all about bliss and togetherness.

Oh god…..should I stop dreaming?

I have so much to say about my dreams… anyone listening???

Love myself and my to-be…..MAN IN Olive Green!

Sunday, 4 May 2008

Girlie Stuff…

Are you the darling princess of your dad? Read on…

That perfect figure, that perfect demeanour, that classy black dress – We rule the world! Don’t we? Girls are on the fast track of becoming super-women who can literally juggle anything and everything. There is so much to worry about. Starting from the nail polish shade to what to gift your beau, we’ve ourselves knit such a complicated net for ourselves! Whatever is the case, we so love it all!

It is such a blessing to be born as a daughter, a daughter who can connect to her mother perfectly, a daughter who would be her dad’s pride and a daughter who enjoys all the perks that many a times, the brethren are denied of – We are lucky pretty girls!

You will be the first bencher, the one who steals all the light at the family gatherings and the only one who is ready to take on compliments that keep pouring incessantly every minute. Instead of fretting about those extra pounds like I do, just look at it from a brighter perspective that ‘the more you weigh, the more you stay’. An attitude that you can flaunt is more than enough to make you the cynosure of all eyes.

Please, let’s just keep that big ego and over-do make-up aside for a minute and think of the bliss that accompanies simplicity and culture of heart. God – Too much philosophy! Anyway, who cares! Overloading the other females with our witty taunts is so much fun…Fun that you won’t even get meditating for an hour. Get your guts together and have a chilling time with female buddies and get tons of shopping bags home – the day couldn’t have been better! Isn’t it?

Its feels so beautiful to be born as a girl. With her head held high, she steps in to max in her arena of work. Be it a naughty wink, a firm shake-hand or even a graceful bow- it surely is “woman-power’ ruling this world.

Congrats lady… You are a proud asset to this world!

Just to tell you what Elissa Melamed said –

Men look “at themselves” in mirrors. Women look “for themselves”.