God once dropped a big box on Earth and I found it....I opened it....Whatever inside is a secret no more!
The story moves on! As Hindi movies show one real fact, we grew up feeding on each other’s support and friendship! We were not there to sit beside each other when we shed tears or maybe we didn’t share a laugh in person, but some kind of force always kept us bound to each other. A call from her end and my day was made and being Army brats, we could not do much but learn the ‘Art of Separation’! I cannot remember fighting with this female ever! It was quite a picture perfect, rather Bollywood perfect friendship that never saw any downs throughout its course!
I don’t believe in the concept of best friends and but obviously, she wasn’t a friend! She was much beyond that! Someone I knew who was always there for me even when I was wrong, when I was right, when I was in doubt, when I was sad, when I was bad, when I was happy – basically when I was experiencing life! Cells multiplied and we became young and smart women! (If I may have the pleasure of calling ourselves this...LOLZ!) We never saw each other’s face staying in the same city for months and as tables would turn, we had a tiny bump awaiting that hindered our smooth sailing(Lolz...how on earth can a tiny bump be an impediment for the sail boat?...ha ha!)Anyway! The situation was the culprit! As she was a God-sent angel, he’d given us the power to be in telepathic conversation with each other! Many would like to call it “space”, but we just gave each other our share of time to ponder, reconcile and get back! It was a miraculous beginning for the both of us. Stronger than ever before...Just imagine...! The bond that we share (then and even now) doesn’t have a definition in the dictionary...It’s just been in our hearts! You’d know if you’ve a gift like her....!
My Wish: For girls, may you find her in a friend, and for guys, may you find a woman like her.....!
I’m blessed to have known a being like her....She’s not close to perfection, perfection is close to her....You know I love you....(with due respect to my straight orientation...LOLZ)
Love you lady......!
P.S.- Take into serious consideration my MS Paint prowess....Hahahahaha!
hey nice post........
i can make out the strong bond that u both share n the way u hv described it wud make ne1 feel jealous of it.......
may this relationship continue forever n encourage others in ur touch to build n nourish their kinds..
OH MY GOD!! u know wat?I really wish i cud write as well as u do, coz d way u described everything... really got me nostalgic and it was as if i were back in time and the good ol' days were back...firstly, thanx for those generous words and all the love...u've truly been a source of inspiration for me radhu, and i know that if i were to walk on a plank 5o ft above the ground, with u besides me, i cud do that wid my eyes closed, because u wud always be there to hold me and not let me fall...!! and the reason why GOD dropped this package for YOU is that deep within he knew, that only a person as charming and wonderful as you cud do justice to it!! U made the package's life worth it on earth!! luv u...
You are truly blessed and fortunate to get that precious gift of friendship in the form of chinku. That is real friendship- when you do not meet each other for years and still feel as if nothing stands between you'll once you meet. May this friendship blossom, flourish n continue forever.......................
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