Let me just get you a closer look at my girlie things......girlie things of a tomboy you can say!
1. Oil I do not use! You know how moms’ are so excited to give you a head massage? Just for the racks here!
2. Fragrances:
1. Oil I do not use! You know how moms’ are so excited to give you a head massage? Just for the racks here!
2. Fragrances:
If you are a signature fragrance lover and do not like to pamper your moodiness with various tastes, skip this pointer!
Scents: Adidas (White)[Handy in Purse], Kenneth Cole[My favourite], Archies Galz[Casual Mood]!
{LaCoste pour femme [Dating Essentials] unfortunately is missing at the moment! I so got over....Ha ha}
Deo demons: Adidas(Pink)[Not my kinds...], Adidas(Pure Energy-Unisex)[Love it], Nike Woman(eXtreme & Fission)[You sure can make a statement with these], Charlie(Urban Energy)[7/10], Playboy Woman(Pink)[The name's so much of a turn on-Ha ha], Esprit Collection Woman[Weird presence], Azzaro Chrome[hot favourite sometimes]...
The cheap duplicate of Tommy Girl serves as my handkerchief perfume most of the times....(For all reading - Do not gift unknown fragrances and even if you do, please keep it original for His sake!)
3. Cosmetics:
Like to play with colored eye pencils.... (Chambor rocks)...Kohl Pencil by Lakme and Lip Glosses by Street Wear and Revlon! Nail polishes are few as I just know how to use a nail-cutter to trim my nails short (Lol!)! Daily moisturizers are Lakme(Strawberry creme) and Garnier. Have some nice eye-shadow sets if someone is ready to teach me the application.....Ha ha....I'm so not a dainty darling and I so hate beauty parlours and beauty therapies!
4. Junk Jewellery:
The humongous (If I may call it!) collection of my junk jewellery must've exceeded around 250 earrings that range from Rs.20 - Rs. 650. I do not know how to keep them organized but I love to collect. Some latest additions are of tribal jewellery and bracelets that I've just started wearing practically for no rhyme or reason. Since the time I've become a trainer, I like to DECORATE myself with additional trinkets. Anyhow, rings and earrings were my favourite and will always be the ones closest to my heart!
5. Silver Jewellery
Something I die for! I've many sterling silver rings with stones, some toe rings, anklets, earrings, stone studded bracelets & silver neck pieces. Gift me silver, and I so get a kick out of it! I told Mamma if she could fill my bridal trousseau with just silver jewellery and nothing else..... (You know what she said....Don't you...SHUT UP RADHU!)
6. Latest diamond addition!
Scents: Adidas (White)[Handy in Purse], Kenneth Cole[My favourite], Archies Galz[Casual Mood]!
{LaCoste pour femme [Dating Essentials] unfortunately is missing at the moment! I so got over....Ha ha}
Deo demons: Adidas(Pink)[Not my kinds...], Adidas(Pure Energy-Unisex)[Love it], Nike Woman(eXtreme & Fission)[You sure can make a statement with these], Charlie(Urban Energy)[7/10], Playboy Woman(Pink)[The name's so much of a turn on-Ha ha], Esprit Collection Woman[Weird presence], Azzaro Chrome[hot favourite sometimes]...
The cheap duplicate of Tommy Girl serves as my handkerchief perfume most of the times....(For all reading - Do not gift unknown fragrances and even if you do, please keep it original for His sake!)
3. Cosmetics:
Like to play with colored eye pencils.... (Chambor rocks)...Kohl Pencil by Lakme and Lip Glosses by Street Wear and Revlon! Nail polishes are few as I just know how to use a nail-cutter to trim my nails short (Lol!)! Daily moisturizers are Lakme(Strawberry creme) and Garnier. Have some nice eye-shadow sets if someone is ready to teach me the application.....Ha ha....I'm so not a dainty darling and I so hate beauty parlours and beauty therapies!
4. Junk Jewellery:
The humongous (If I may call it!) collection of my junk jewellery must've exceeded around 250 earrings that range from Rs.20 - Rs. 650. I do not know how to keep them organized but I love to collect. Some latest additions are of tribal jewellery and bracelets that I've just started wearing practically for no rhyme or reason. Since the time I've become a trainer, I like to DECORATE myself with additional trinkets. Anyhow, rings and earrings were my favourite and will always be the ones closest to my heart!
5. Silver Jewellery
Something I die for! I've many sterling silver rings with stones, some toe rings, anklets, earrings, stone studded bracelets & silver neck pieces. Gift me silver, and I so get a kick out of it! I told Mamma if she could fill my bridal trousseau with just silver jewellery and nothing else..... (You know what she said....Don't you...SHUT UP RADHU!)
6. Latest diamond addition!
I DO NOT use powder! Hate it for some reason. If I've got to use for some darn reason, it's always Johnson's Baby Powder! Rose water is something nice when you need to sooth your eyes after writing such weird blogs at 12midnight. Some clutcher clips and head bands are saviours!
Rest in the left corner is a finger puppet, I and one of my closest friends'(Atula) made in 7th Grade, my glittery signature and cute smiley stickers! Next up there would be my photos!
Even after all that cluttering up, I still find a 1 day frail, wrinkled, skinny baby the most beautiful being in the world sans any fake coloring, with decorations like a button nose, tiny hands(literally 1/7th of mine] and a body that fits perfectly in one cuddle.....Muah me...!
since i've nt taken interest in any of those things till now i don't know much but i'm damn sure when time wud come i have a person whom i can rely upon or look up to for help...........
the diamond ring is really very cute....congrats
Hmm.. Very nice post.. Firstly, that Image told me everything about post.. Still I wanted to read it..
You looks simply Latest fashion addicted girl... You've great brands of Scents and Deos.. While I was reading the LAST portion of this blog.. Donno why I found that you wanna say your skin is very soft (Johnson's baby powder thing) but it's very lucky to have that.
I will be waiting for photo of Diamond ring you dad gave you.. You've got great thing from great person on New year..
Rahul Patil.
^^ Edit on this post..
I got the Diamond ring photo just now.. my internet connection sucks sometimes..
see ya
OH MY GOD!!! dude...u shud have written a separate write up for the diamond ring...!! it has got to get a special place in your blog!! and all those lovely things in ur closet...damn..m jealous ;) and u still have dat puppet..aww dats so touching!...
I just can't comment much on cosmetics n makeup as I use them minimally n sparingly. I ain't against the people who use them. Its just that I am absolutely not a makeup person. All the best to u 4 ur diamond ring n ur makeup thingies.What more can I say n Thanks for the being the first to comment on my blog posts. I've written a generalised form, nothing directed to you in particular, except for the overindulgence and total dependency on mobiles.
I didn't understand anything!!!
ok...although these stuff bore me quite a lot..after reading huge stuff..(lol!!!)i dun thnk u a tomboy..Well..nyways..
Congrats for ur diamond ring!!
Seriously speaking..i've got no idea bt wat to say after reading ur post like twice!! damn!! :S
oh this is the ring haan on the lucky hand... ooooohhhhhhhhhhh
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